According to the United Nations, more than half a billion children have lost their access to education as a result of coronavirus lockdowns. This is largely due to a lack of internet connected laptops which has prevented them from attending school remotely.
Some of those children with no access to education live in our neighbourhoods, so the Lady Fatemah Trust has joined forces with Sufra NW LONDON and a number of other local Foodbanks to launch a drive to help them. The target of the campaign is to provide the children of 100 families who rely on food banks with a refurbished laptop so they can carry in with online studies and access educational material as well as get emotional support. Enthuse is proud to be supporting their campaign to fight the effect of lockdown on vulnerable children as their digital fundraising partner.
The cost of re-connecting a child with their classroom and so much more is £275 and will make a tremendous change to their educational and emotional wellbeing. The Give IT campaign has already delivered 20 laptops during Ramadhan, and The Lady Fatemah Trust is encouraging donations of either £25 or £50 towards the cost of a WiFi connected laptop or the full cost of £275 at https://ladyfatemahtrust.charitycheckout.co.uk/GiveIT100#!/.
The donation page is fully customised to The Lady Fatemah Trust’s branding featuring its logo and colour palette prominently to help donors remember the cause long after the crisis. It also has tailored messaging to show the impact that each level of donation can have on a child or family’s life.
“We are really proud to be supporting this great cause during the crisis, and helping them raise more for their cause. Since day one we have been about putting charities first so their brand can be front and centre and drive fundraising for their organisation.”
Chester Mojay-Sinclare, Founder and CEO of Enthuse
During the coronavirus outbreak we will be continuing to highlight campaigns and appeals from charities on our blog. If you would like to set up your own COVID-19 campaign, setting up a virtual event or about another way of engaging your supporters, please get in contact with the team at info@enthuse.com, and they will do everything they can to help.