Business as Unusual

Explore the changing landscape in corporate fundraising as employees head back to the office

Almost a year and a half since the nation started working from home, we look at how people are returning to the office, and examine the opportunities the end of Covid restrictions brings for HR, marketing and executive teams.

What’s inside:

  • Flexible fundraising: Over 50% of people are expecting to work three days a week or less in the office. Find out how you can run inclusive activities for your teams.
  • Generation generous: Throughout the pandemic under-40s have been the demographic most likely to donate. Learn how to motivate and engage them.
  • Barriers to fundraising: Discover what is preventing people from taking part in workplace fundraising, and what you can do to overcome those barriers.


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Business as Unusual corporate fundraising report

Almost a year and a half since the nation started working from home, we look at how people are returning to the office, and examine the opportunities the end of Covid restrictions brings for HR, marketing and executive teams.

What’s inside:

  • Flexible fundraising: Over 50% of people are expecting to work both from home and the office. Find out how you can run inclusive activities.
  • Generations generous: Throughout the pandemic under-40s have been the most likely to donate. Discover how to engage them.
  • Barriers to fundraising: What is preventing people from taking part in workplace fundraising? Learn how to overcome those barriers in the report.

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Business as Unusual corporate fundraising report

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Trusted by over 4,000 charities